Workshop opportunities for June and Kids Art Camps for July announced and open for registration.

INSPIRED MIXED MEDIA with Sue Marrazzo JUNE 1, 11-3pm | All levels | $120 MEM / $145 NON-MEM
Teen Class! CREATE YOUR OWN Manga/Anime GRAPHIC NOVEL (ages 12-17) with Brad Gebhart (8 SESSIONS) JUNE 6-AUG 1, 6-8pm | Intermediate | $150 MEM / $175 NON-MEM
LUMINOUS WATERCOLOR with Lynne Yancha JUNE 6-8, 9:30-4pm | Int-Adv | $225 MEM / $250 NON-MEM
ACRYLIC POURING with Ann Benton Yeager JUNE 15, 1-4pm | All Levels | $50* MEM / $65*NON-MEM
ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT COMPOSTION ...But Were Afraid to Ask! with Phyllis Disher Fredericks JUNE 17-19, 9:30-4pm | All Levels | $200 MEM / $225 NON-MEM
DRAWING PORTRAITS with Van Pafchek JUNE 24-26, 10-2pm | All Levels | $175 MEM / $200 NON-MEM
A July Workshop!! QUICK SKETCH PORTRAITS IN WATERCOLOR with Pam Wenger JULY 12-14, 9:30-4pm | Int-Adv | $225 MEM / $250 NON-MEM
To find out more, view the complete schedule via the link below.
Registration and payments can be made online (or by calling 717-755-0028)
Our Summer Kids ART CAMPS are also OPEN for registration!
Each year the month of July is FOR THE KIDDOS! This year we have great options to keep those kids busy and active! Back by popular demand, we have 4 camps with critter encounters. Our Jessie Groft leads a journey around the world through patterns and we welcome Annelise Vuono (pronounced Vuuuno) to share her talents with mural painting!
Detailed information and registration can be found by visiting: YAA ART CAMPS
Each camp is limited to 15 kids, so don't wait to register as they fill up quickly.