Beginning in January 2023, the gallery schedule, registration process, intake and pickup procedures will look a bit different at the York Art Association. The past year, we've worked to update our systems to create a better overall experience for our members and local artists. Our aim is to continue improving that process as the next gallery year draws near. The switch to online registrations has proven to be an easier and less stressful way to enter our exhibitions. Little by little, as the process becomes more familiar to all, other welcome changes are now possible. Please read the following points carefully, as there are many changes that affect you!
Gallery Schedule
We are moving to a one-week turnaround for exhibitions. Pick-ups and intakes will be happening on the same day! This means only one trip to retrieve and submit your works which will also yield longer exhibition schedules. Our opening receptions on Sunday's from (2-4pm) will remain, and as each exhibition comes to a close, Sunday afternoon pick ups (4-4:30pm) will remain, as part of our routine.

RegistrationProcess All artists must pre-register online (or by phone) during the registration period to participate in any of our exhibitions going forward. There will be no "walk-in" registrations on intake day. Online registration will close one week prior to intake day, to ensure that we can meet our one week turnaround schedule and run a smooth intake. Once the registration is closed, late requests will not be accepted. To participate: artist's will register ONE piece per transaction. Those who wish to enter two pieces, will register each piece separately, with a separate fee transaction. All registrations are non-refundable and additional registrations, beyond the two piece limit, per artist, will not be accepted and fees collected will be considered generous donations.
For example: Polly Painter wants to register two paintings into the next exhibition. She signs into her yaa/wild apricot account, finds the event listing for the show and clicks "register." Polly is a member, so she chooses "member, one piece" from the type of registration list. After carefully typing her title, medium and pricing information, she "checks out" and completes her transaction with her credit card information. To enter her 2nd painting, she repeats the process by clicking "register" and "checks out" again. Polly receives two confirmations, one for each painting she entered and takes note that both entries are stored in her yaa account for reference under her "events." Polly makes a note of the intake day and time and looks forward to picking up her previously shown works and dropping her works off to YAA!
By registering separately, each member (even bundle members, such as husbands and wives) can submit their art as desired under one account. Also, by counting each piece of art separately, the number of spaces open on the event, is the number of pieces left to be entered in the show. When the number of spots left is low, space is low and the show is almost full. This will allow you to monitor how quickly the show is reaching it's registration limit.
As you may have noticed, intake sheets have been replaced by the description in the event listing online. Please read it thoroughly before entering your work to be in compliance with guidelines and themes, if applicable.

Intake Procedures Intake dates will switch to Monday's from 2-6pm. If you have a piece in the exhibition that ended the day before, artists are permitted to pick up and drop off works at the same time from 2-6pm. Regular pick ups will run on the same day from 10am-2pm. Intakes will not be accepted before 2pm. Printing/filling out intake tags (front/back) are also a thing of the past! Your tags will be ready for you upon arrival on intake day with all of your registration information. Artists are asked to take special care when entering their information online, as it will be used to create your individual intake tags. Such details as spelling and capitalization are important for us to correctly identify your works for the exhibition.
A few very important reminders:
Early intakes/drop-offs are seriously not permitted going forward, (either early on the same day or prior to intake day.) Please make arrangements with another artist or friend to help submit your works for the show in accordance with our schedule.
Be aware that our system, "will allow" registrants to enter more than the two pieces per artist limit. For the record: ONLY TWO PIECES PER ARTIST IS ALLOWED. If you are unsure, check your YAA account for your submission data under your "events" BEFORE you enter, or print out a copy of your confirmation (upon completion) as we will not be offering refunds for excess pieces registered.
Regarding unclaimed art: the gallery committee is working on a new policy due to the numbers of works left in the gallery after pick up times have ended. With the new changes and condensed turnaround schedule, we implore everyone to add reminders for yourself of the pick up times each time you participate in a show.
A friendly reminder that with the small exception of our office staff, our organization is completely run and is reliant upon volunteer participation. Your patience and support of our people is very much appreciated, especially as we explore and learn how to serve you in new and exceptional ways!
The Gallery Committee continues to improve the process of artists exhibiting their works at YAA and sharing their art with our greater community. We hope you'll enjoy the added conveniences to our services and thank you in advance for your patience and support as we explore this new (and improved) process.